"Mike Muller" is a boy from St. Petersburg, Russia. He is well known for his, well, almost identical appearance to Bill. Hell, he COULD be Bill's identical twin :D

He is CUTE but, sometimes seems to be a BIT too feminine...

Here is an interview from kaulitz.org!

Special thanks goes to my good friend TokioHotelism on youtube. She was the provider of the video with English Subs!

Interview kaulitz.org with a Bill look a like in St. Petersburg, Russia.

When and how did you transformation into Bill occur? How did you realize how much alike you two look?

I still don’t think I get it.. in school this one upperclassman girl came up to me (on Sept. 1st) and said, that I really look like Bill…back then I didn’t like TH and I didn’t know anything about them…then some interest appeared towards them…I mean I had the same hair and everything. First time people took photos with me and asked for autographs - June 3rd, 2 years ago.

Is it hard for you to obtain a wardrobe similar to Bill’s?

Very…in Russia it’s really hard to find things like Bill’s

What do your parents and relatives think of your image?

My parents don’t like any of this…and they’re actually against it, but I still do whatever I like.

What do people at your work or university think of your image?

In my university they are always looking at me and laughing…everyone is always looking and talking about me.

Do you have a significant other?

No…but I’d really like one.

Have you ever been to a Tokio Hotel concert?

One time: June 2nd, 2007.

Does it happen that fans come up to you on the street?

They always come up to me asking for pictures and autographs. And not just fans.

Do many girls fall in love with you?

Very much so…and of course not only girls.

Can you sing?

I can sing, but I’m currently in training to become better.

Do you have any hobbies?

This is my hobby - my style. I also like to make movies and take photos.

Do you have a dream?

Of course. To be an independent person and to perform with my band in another country.

What music, besides Tokio Hotel, do you listen to?

Êîðîëü è Øóò, Àãàòà Êðèñòè, HIM, Origamu, Ëþìåí, Cinema bizare those are my favorite bands…but i’m a music lover, i also love rap and electro.

Do you want to be a star?


Do you know any other look a likes of Bill & Tom?

Yeah, I’m friends with some of them.

Do you have pets?

A cat, his name is Tema

What do you like better: parties or solitude?

I can’t really answer this question, both.

Is Bill your favorite member of TH?


What do you think of the other members?

I really like Tom & Georg…and Gustav’s good too.

Favorite time of year?


Favorite time?


Favorite TH song?

Ich Bin Da

Describe your personality?

I’m very kind, fair, a pessimist…a little hysterical…I’m a little naive and take everything to heart…I often get attached to people, I love people in general and wish them well.

How long have you been into Tokio Hotel?

3 years

Is Bill your ideal person, or are there things in him you dislike?

Style-wise, I love it all: we have similar tastes. However I don’t like that sometimes he jokes a little too brutally with the other members of the band and says that HE’S the best in the band.

Do you have a lot of TH posters in your room?

1 calendar

How did you get the nickname Mike Muller?

I made it up myself. Mike i got from Mickey Mouse somehow, and i liked the last name.

What kind of girls do you like?

The complete opposite of me. I love happy girls with a good sense of humor. Mm…around my height…not too glamourous. I like strong girls, and of course one who would take care of me and won’t get jealous towards the fans.

Your favorite color?

Black, pink and white.

Do you have close friends whom you fully trust?

Yes - 3 people.















































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